[Redux] is the preferred state management pattern for React apps today. Being a very “functional” library, it doesn’t like side effects much. This means doing asynchronous actions in a Redux reducer is not just a bad idea, it simply won’t work.

/* ✗ Warning: This won't work! */

function reducer (state, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case 'profile:load':
        .then(res => res.json())
        .then(res => {
          dispatch({ type: 'profile:set', payload: res.body })
          // ✗ Error: dispatch is not defined


You can’t modify state here in an async callback. In fact, you can’t even dispatch() in a reducer! This won’t work and is a bad idea; you break the purity of the store reducer.

Middleware for side effects

Fortunately, Redux has built-in provisions for managing side effects: Middleware! You can write your own middleware with business logic. You don’t need to use 3rd-party packages other than Redux itself.

Redux middleware is simply a decorator for dispatch(). Here’s an example where we extend dispatch() to perform certain side effects (an AJAX call, in this case) when certain actions come in.

// Redux middleware
function ProfileLoader () {
  return store => dispatch => action {
    dispatch(action) // First pass them through to the reducers.

    switch (action.type) {
      case 'profile:load!':
          .then(res => res.json())
          .then(res => dispatch({ type: 'profile:set', payload: res.body }))
          .catch(err => dispatch({ type: 'profile:error', payload: err }))
// Use the middleware in your store
store = createStore(reducers, {}, applyMiddleware(

Other solutions

Perhaps the most well-known solution to this is redux-thunk, which allows you to dispatch functions (“thunks”).

// Using a function as an action via redux-thunk
store.dispatch((dispatch) => {
    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(res => dispatch({ type: 'profile:set', payload: res.body }))
    .catch(err => dispatch({ type: 'profile:error', payload: err }))

I personally advise against this approach for a number of reasons:

  • It moves logic to your action creators, which were supposed to be very simple pieces of code.
  • It makes actions complicated, when they can just be simple JSON instructions (eg, { type: 'profile:load' }).
  • It can’t interact with other side effects. For instance, you can’t make a side effect to send profile:errors to an error tracking service. Middleware can do this.

Naming convention

You may have noticed I named my action profile:load!. This is my preferred convention of choice, where action names are simply strings, and “side effect” actions are suffixed with an exclamation mark, just as it would in Ruby or Elixir.

Other examples

How about a middleware that tracks errors as they come in?

function ErrorTracker () {
  return store => dispatch => action {

    switch (action.type) {
      case 'profile:error':
      case 'account:error':
      case 'other:error':

Or a middleware that sends tick events every second? Great for timers or for RPG’s.

function Ticker (options) {
  let timer

  return store => dispatch => action {

    switch (action.type) {
      case 'ticker:start!':
        timer = setInterval(() => {
          store.dispatch({ type: 'ticker:tick', now: new Date() })
        }, options.interval)

      case 'ticker:stop!':
        if (timer) clearInterval(timer)
        timer = null

And to put them all together:

store = createStore(reducers, {}, applyMiddleware(
  Ticker({ interval: 1000 })